All our downloaded video should be
able to play smoothly. If you follow this guide, and are unable to play
smoothly, you may need to find another computer system to use for
evaluation. These probably won't play at 60Hz on cell phones.
Make sure any downloaded clip matches your display refresh rate! If it doesn't, you'll get unavoidable judder.
Internet bandwidths are NOT sufficient to play even the smallest SD sequences directly from this site,
as they were compressed for high quality, not small size. A file must be downloaded before playing - then it has a chance of being played smoothly from your local storage.
Smooth playing of 1080P H.264-compressed video needs a lot of compute
power! Once a clip is downloaded, make sure that your computer is not doing other compute or display-intensive tasks.
If playback
from saved files appears uneven or jerky, then check CPU usage for your
player during playback. If it is near 100%, your computer may not be
fast enough to uncompress and render all images in the sequence in real
If you have hardware acceleration support on your system, you should be able to playback all the video files from our site directly in real-time. On Linux systems with mplayer installed, this is achieved using vdpau for rendering and for H.264 decoding:
-vo vdpau -vc ffh264vdpau -fs -quiet -loop 0 <file>