Effective Faster than Realtime File-based Interlacing Technology
Multiple Operating Modes
Meler Interlacing Technology
Meler is a file-based interlacer. Interlacing is a simpler process, so it
does not use or need to use GPUs. It achieves much faster than realtime operation for full HD (1920x1080).
Meler takes progressive input sequences, and can interlace video, or generate film pulldown. I/O formats
include the standard raw chrominance sampling schemes: 444, 422, 420, 420jpeg, and 420mpeg.
Various processing modes are provided:
Time-code support, including on-video display and pipeline support
between isovideo tools using timecode in yuv4mpeg frame headers,
Bottom-field first interlacing (the default for 60p input),
Top-field first interlacing (the default for 50p input),
2:3 pulldown (the default for 24p input),
Advanced 2:3:3:2-pulldown,
Changing metadata to mark output frames as top-field-first Progressive Segmented
Frames (Psf) for 2:2 pulldown (the default for 25p input),
Transcode (progressive output, used to allow CPU transcoding between chrominance sampling schemes),
32-bit internal arithmetic used for all Y,Cb,Cr component calculations,
Supports 8-16bit 444, 422, 420paldv, 420jpeg, 420mpeg YUV formats.
This allows data to be piped between isovideo tools with
up to 16-bits representing each Y,Cb,Cr component.
All the Meler interlacer modes can be handled by the Demeler deinterlacer.
Meler provides an optional vertical output filter, which
effectively eliminates aliasing flicker.