December 3, 2014 - isovideo announces that the groundbreaking 2004 documentary "Metallica: Some Kind Of Monster" used isovideo Viarte Digital Remastering Services for its tenth-anniversary Blu-ray release on November 24, 2014.
isovideo Launches Breakthrough Quality SD/HD to HD/UHD/4K Remastering Services using Award-Winning Viarte TechnologyOctober 9, 2014 - isovideo announces the launch of their Viarte cluster-based SD/HD to HD/UHD/4K remastering Service for the media entertainment industries. Viarte was one of five winners of the prestigious Game-Changer Awards by the IABM/NAB 2013.
isovideo's Frame Rate Conversion Technology Applied to the Big ScreenOctober 3, 2014 - isovideo announces that a highly inspirational documentary “Finding the Gold Within” by independent film maker/producer Karina Epperlein used their frame rate conversion technology/services for its entire footage conversions.
isovideo to Showcase Industry-First Stream-Based 4K/UHD/HD Standards Conversion - Transcoding - Transport Viarte Server Cluster at the NAB 2014March 16, 2014 - isovideo will be demonstrating the latest version of their highly scalable and efficient Viarte servers with stream-based, on-the-fly standards conversion/transcoding/transport capability.
isovideo Offers a Breakthrough Solution to Transform Interlaced Video for IPTV and UHD/4kJanuary 10, 2014 - isovideo, an innovative start-up company in video processing technology and services, today announces a breakthrough solution for content owners to transform their current productions and vast archives of interlaced video assets for highest quality progressive presentation.
isovideo to Launch its Viarte Standards Conversion - transcoding Server at 2013 SMPTE Technology Conf & ExpoOctober 14, 2013 - isovideo today announces the launching of their Viarte standards conversion/transcoding server for the film, TV broadcast, sports networks and online media production/distribution industries. Viarte was one of five winners of prestigious Game-Changer Awards by the IABM/NAB 2013, and was recognized as having the greatest potential to revolutionize the industry by a panel of impartial experts.
isovideo's Viarte Standards Conversion Server used for "Footage Conversion" in Ron Howard's "Made in America"September 16, 2013 - isovideo announces today that our 2013 IABM/NAB Game-Changer Award-winning Viarte server was used in the highly invigorating and inspirational concert documentary "Made in America" by Academy-award winning director Ron Howard and hip-hop mogul Jay Z.
isovideo Announces Launch of File-based Media Standards Conversion Services using Award-Winning Viarte ServerAugust 31, 2013 - isovideo today announces the launching of their Viarte server-based standards conversion/transcoding services for the film, TV broadcast and online media production and distribution industry.